Do you remember a time when you were able to sleep through the night? Many people dealing with sciatica have not slept through the night in months, or longer. Not being able to sleep only adds to the frustrations of sciatic nerve pain. But there is good news, more and more people are learning to take control of their pain and find the ability to sleep again.
Why can't I get a good night's sleep? - when the nerves in the lower back become inflamed, they cause a sciatic flare. When you lay down to sleep, there is automatic pressure on your nerve. This is what inevitably causes those sleepless nights.
What are the 3 Best Mattresses to Relieve my Pain?
1. Foam Mattresses - with a foam mattress, no one part of the body bears more weight than any other part. This is very important because it does not allow extra stress to be put on the lower back. Many people who have dealt with sciatica have found this to be an amazing help. Whether you choose Latex Foam, Memory Foam, or Temperpedic Foam, there is a good chance that you will get some great relief with this.
2. Select Comfort Bed - also known as a sleep number bed. I have to be honest here, I have heard mixed reviews on this, and it is a little pricey. The best benefit it has is the ability to adjust the firmness of the mattress. Side sleepers tend to benefit the most from this.
3. Dormia Bed - this is by far one of the best sciatica home treatments available for a good night's sleep. Not only is this bed comfortable, but you can also raise your legs, head, or both to relieve strain on the lower back. If you have severe sciatica, this would mean no more sleeping in recliners.
Imagine Sleeping Through the Night Again. Although the decision to purchase a new mattress or bed can be a pricey one, it is well worth it to finally find some relief.
Most sciatica sufferers do simple things every night that will lead to excruciating pain. Are you one of them?